The older I get the more I realize that life is meant to be lived at a slower pace than I'm living it. I crave solitude and simplicity and I'm probably not alone.
Oh, I've got all the "time-saving" gadgets everyone else has - cell phone, laptop with internet access, microwave oven, etc. But, life does not get slower and I'm only saving time on some things to lose them to other things.
The more gadgets I have the more work it is to control them so they don't control me. Busyness is very draining and I find that I can't hear God unless I'm quiet and still.
I wrote this little piece of verse the other day and it sort of sums up today's thoughts:
Turn off the TV
Turn off the phone
Read your Bible
and get all alone
God speaks in a whisper
He doesn't yell or shout
The TV and the phone
drown His voice out.
Working on listening and I hope to see you down the trail!
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