Monday, January 25, 2010

Gracie's Journey

About a year ago a new character came to my mind while I was taking one of my daily one hour walks. Her name is Gracie and she is taking me on a journey. As of today I only have a brief glimpse of where this journey will lead but, so far, it has been exciting.

I first wrote a children's book about Gracie's dreams of being a cowgirl. This book was written completely in rhyme. I learned a lot about writing poetry, writing for a target market (i.e. child's age that the book would be appropriate for), writing a book that is marketable, just to name a few. In other words, Gracie taught me quite a bit. I learned about trying to find illustrators, figuring out how I could self-publish this book, and how I could market it.

After about a year on this journey with Gracie, she revealed another story. This one about her greatest gift. She also lead me to and, I believe, she has helped me discover "my voice" in my writing. This book is written for a specific target market, for a specific marketing niche, and with today's children in mind.

As with practically all of my writing (books and songs), it teaches a life lesson and reveals a spiritual truth - "my voice".

Currently the book is being reviewed by some of my trusted writing colleagues and, after the inevitable revisions, it will be on to the journey of publishing.

Have a little fun today and keep a song in your heart!

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