Friday, September 4, 2009

God's Girls in Sports

I just finished an interesting book titled God's Girls in Sports written by Holly Page. Since I have always loved sports I was interested in Holly's perspective. As a young child I was very active in sports. Unfortunately, unlike today, there weren't many sports available for me to participate in. Let's see, there was basketball, softball, and tennis. I flunked out of basketball as I entered high school. Being short at 5 feet 2 inches should provide a partial explanation. There's more to this story but I'll save that for another day. Softball was available only through a church league and tennis was just a hobby. None of these have ever amounted to something I could participate in regularly. Holly's book really spoke to me as it touched on some topics that adversely affected me during the years I participated in organized sports. Reading Holly's book has helped me learns some lessons from these experiences. Too bad I didn't have this book a long time ago.

If you are a young Christian girl or a mother of one that is participating in organized sports I highly recommend you get a copy of this book. Written from a parent's and a coach's perspective it is full of very helpful information.

Have a blessed day!

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