Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I have just completed a great book titled Refuge by John & Bessie Gonleh with Bruce Beakley. This is one of my book reviews I provide for B & B Media (www.tbbmedia.com) . John and Bessie were residents of Liberia and survived years of civil war, many near death experiences, the loss of three children, and countless other tragedies. But they are currently living here in the United States and this book is their story. I don't want to give away any details or suspense but I'm sure you'll have difficulty putting it down once you start it. It will also give you a first-hand account of what is actually going on in Africa and how little our dollars, via the U.N., actually accomplish. If you think you've ever truly been tested by God then please compare your life with theirs. I'm afraid most of us fall far short of this level of faith.

Have a blessed day and keep a song in your heart!

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