Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Chasing Dreams

I don't know about you but I'm a dreamer. When I dream I aim for great heights. I figure if I'm going to dream - dream BIG! In this I follow Reba McEntire's advice of "Dream big but stay humble."

Currently I have some dreams that are so "out there" I know people will think me crazy if I share them. I've shared these dreams with a few close friends and family and, while they are supportive and encouraging, I see a slight shade drop over their eyes as if they are unsure what to think.

In late 2007 I discovered that I could write songs, especially lyrics. This is most certainly a gift from God as I would never have decided to try songwriting on my own. It is absolutely not a logical idea and is definitely "out there." All of my plans for my life involve a well thought out and logical path to success, not a dream with no logical steps laid out on how to make a living doing it. But God is most definitely guiding me by the hand toward songwriting and the desire to pursue this is stronger than anything else I've ever experienced. I have faced numerous deep-seated fears in pursuing this dream and will face more as God strengthens me by walking this trail. I have had to overcome the beliefs that I couldn't sing, that songwriters are "just weird", that I'm not musically talented, that I can't perform in public, etc. You name it. But these are roadblocks that the devil has put up and for some reason I have chosen to believe them and not dared to believe what God was telling me. Crazy, huh?

But, I no longer believe the devil and am overcoming my fears and have chosen to listen and follow God completely. I don't know where He'll lead but if I completely trust him I will be alright and will climb to heights I never knew existed. One day you'll hear my songs on the radio. It may be a long time from now but one day it will happen!

Have a blessed day! Don't ever stop dreaming!!

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