Monday, September 22, 2008

Open Heart = Open Hands

I've been thinking alot over the weekend about what it means to be a giver. I have mostly been a selfish person holding on tightly to my time, my money, my stuff. I've not been really open with my heart to give freely of my time, my talents, and my money. I've been working on changing that over the past year or so and I can truly say that I am improving in this. I am also a much happier person. It's true that you reap what you sow. If you sow love and good acts you will reap love and good acts. But I also know that you can't give what you do not have. Without the love of God in my heart I didn't really have the love to give to others. The more you love God the more compelled you feel to love others and to help out as much as you can.

An open heart causes you to open your hands. You can't give anything away if you don't open your hand to release what you're holding and you can't receive from someone else if your hand isn't open.

So I hope you'll join me in opening your heart to receive all the love that God wants to give you so you can open your hands and share that love with others.

Have a blessed day!


Jannie Funster said...

This is just the inspiration I need these days, feeling I need to give more and not just to my family but to teh world.

I found your blog under the Blogger tag of "songwriting" and now see we have more things in commmon.

And reading down your posts, now that song "Count your Blessings," is running through my head. But it's a good one to be focused on.

Thanks for your inspiration.


Ginny Cruz said...

Glad you enjoyed it.