Monday, September 15, 2008

Count Your Blessings

Many of you may be familiar with an old hymn titled "Count Your Blessings".
One of the lyric phrases from this song is: "Count your blessings name them one by one." I'm trying to keep that little phrase in mind lately as I navigate my day-to-day existence. I'm sure my days are similar to the days many of you have. Getting the kids ready and to school, working either at my job or around the house, picking up the kids and driving them to their after-school activities, cooking dinner, washing and sorting clothes, well, you know the rest of the story... Anyway most of this gets pretty dull and mundane and it's easy for me to forget that all of these things are truly blessings. They're not always exciting but they are blessings that I know in my heart I don't deserve.

Having these wonderful children in my life and participating in their lives are some of the greatest blessings in my life. Both of my wonderful sons are adopted as my husband and I were never able to have biological children. God has indeed blessed us richly as our two sons are absolutely marvelous. Only God could have put this family together and I try to not forget that each and every day. So for now, I hope you have a great day and, no matter how bad today is for you, don't forget to count your blessings and name them one by one....

Have a blessed day!


rebafan22 said...

So True Ginny I loved this...Reba's fans give back

Ginny Cruz said...

Thanks for all you do Rhonda! You are such an inspiration to me and a true example of a giving person. Reba would be very proud of you!