Monday, September 8, 2008

Blue Monday

I don't know about you but I'm blue today. I've
been doing a lot of exploring and writing about
my past and emotional traumas. It's been therapeutic
but saddens me to bring up bad memories. I'm
sure many of you can relate. At the age I am, 48, I'm
spending a lot of time looking back and regretting and
mourning time that's already past. Time I'll never get
back. I'm saddened over mistakes I've made and poor
decisions. Things I can't go back and change.
I've never really done anything terrible but with the
acuity of hindsight I realize that I could have done better
also. It's been helpful for me to excavate these memories
to unravel where I went astray and how I got on the wrong
path in my travels. It's a slow and painful process but I
feel it's necessary for me to move into new frontiers and to
make peace with the past.

New frontiers can be scary and exhilarating as I have found.
I'm excited to think of where I'll go, who I'll meet, and what
adventures I'll experience. But, I'm also afraid of what I'll
have to unload and leave behind. Friends, jobs, familiarity...

If you've had similar experiences please let me know. I'd love
to hear from you!

Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

Warrior's Last Dance said...

Our futures are many times directed by our past. We will usually make decisions based on internal fear created by memories. It's hard to walk as an overcomer when we have boxed all our stuff up. Sitting on the lid never keeps it from effecting us.